
What is Faiz ul Mawaid il Burhaniyah ?

Faiz ul Mawaid il Burhaniyah is the faiz of our beloved Bawasaheb Moula Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA) ane aapna noore nazar ane Mansoos Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Bhaisaheb Saifuddin (TUS).This faiz is in the tradition of Hudaat Kiraam feeding mumineen, just as Moulana Ali (AS) used to feed mumineen in Kufa through Imamain Aqdasain, today this barkaat flows to every mumin's home on the hands of his Dai.

How much is the hub ?

The minimum hub unit for each person is Rs 1800. The hub that you pay is 'jamarwane'. It is the ehsaan of bawasaheb Moula that by giving hub we are able to get the sawaab of feeding mumineen every single day. The more hub you do araz, the more sawab of Itaam ut Ta'am (jaman jamarwanu). Let us know the hub you are willing to contribute.The hub is due before the start of every hijri month.The hub is not for your thaali, you can never pay for the jaman, as Moula jamare che, it is for 'jamarwane'.

Who can register for students faiz, and why is it different from the local jamaat faiz ?

Students faiz is for students or working professionals from outside Poona. If you are permanently settled in Poona or are a family, please contact your local faiz for starting a thaali and do not register here.Students faiz is a hasanat of Moula's (TUS) Poona safar mubarak in 1433 H. It was started to involve students in this azeem khidmat and also to cater specifically to their needs. Hence it is every student's Faiz, so please come forward with your views, feedbacks, and help in any kind to make this Faiz as per Moula(TUS)s wishes and gain His happiness.

How much is the quantity ?

A thaali consists of 5 rotis, 1 container of rice and also one tarkari for rice and one for rotis. If you need more/less quantity contact us. A half thaali is meant for a single person, and provides sufficient quantity for two

What are the pickup timings ?

Pickup timings are between 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM

How much does the deliver of the thaali cost ?

The delivery of the thaali costs Rs 250 and is additional to the hub.

How and where can I pay the hub ?

You can pay hub in person at the pick up address given below, or you can give it to your transporter in an envolope with your name written on it. Please remember to collect your receipt in both the cases. If you do not receive the receipt please email us.A one time fee of Rs 500 is payable for new registrations.


Nurturing Equality:

FMB is a true reflection of the Islamic spirit of equality, unity and brotherhood where all members of the community, rich as well as the less affluent, receive the same healthy, quality meal removing the barriers of social disparity and sense of deprivation.

Strength in Unity:

The FMB is one community initiative where all members of the Dawoodi Bohra community may they be the young or old, women or men, professionals or businessmen, come together all lending their skills and expertise.

Empowering Women:

FMB empowers women by giving them time away from the grueling schedule of their home kitchen so that they may spend their time wisely. It, thus, gives women the opportunity to spend quality time in raising their children and in continuing to learn. Many have started entrepreneurship ventures from their homes and have begun contributing in the running of the home. Some have assumed leadership roles in the running of this community kitchen and other social ventures.

Fostering Love:

Above all, the Faiz ul Mawaid Al Burhaniyah Thaali is the accumulation of the love of the community members for their leader Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA on whose name this kitchen has been established, and the desire to gain the pleasure of the Dai al Mutlaq Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS. The more affluent members of the community contribute more to the Faiz so that they may reap the reward of feeding their less fortunate brothers while the less privileged can also play a part in inviting their brethren for a meal.

Business Opportunities:

Primarily a trading community, the Dawoodi Bohra businessmen have thrived from the FMB. From farmers to spice and flour dealers, food industrialists, vendors, traders, suppliers, managers, caterers and cooks of the Dawoodi Bohra Community come together to live upto their reputation of providing the best quality supplies for the Faiz ul Mawaid ul Burhaniyah.

Registeration Forms

New Registeration

  • Download and fill the below form.
  • Attach a copy of your ITS card.Bring along your hub (Rs 1800),
  • new registeration fee (Rs 500), and transport cost (Rs 250) if applicable along with the form.
  • The from can be sumitted between 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM at the Faiz. Or it can be given to Mustafa bhai Manwarwala between 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM.
New Thali Registration

Update Thaali Status

Use the form below if and only if you have filled the new registeration form before.The form below can be used for the following -Start/Stop a thaaliStart/Stop trantsportUpdate name / phone number detailsChange thaali size (half/full)

Update thali Details

   Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us. Email, SMS or WhatsApp is Preferred. Calls only if absolutely necessary.As it is Moula(TUS)s Faiz, any student can volunteer for Khidmat in its management. Just send in an email and you're Welcome!Common Email - The full faiz management will receive any messages posted to the above email. Someone will respond to you ASAP.

M Murtaza Shabbir bhai Rampurawala
Mustafa Shk Hatim bhai Manawarwala
Yusuf Husain bhai Rampurwala
Transport Details
Hunaid bhai
Saifuddin Bhai Shajapurwalang
Mustafa Bhai
Pickup timings are between 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Please pickup your thaali during the hours, as jaman will not be availaible after that.
Pickup Address

Shop Near Gold Gym,
Lane adjacent to Satyanand Hospital,
Between Badshah Nagar and Sheetal Petrol Pump